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Geotechnical Investigations, Alaska Railroad Realignment Feasibility Study
Denali National Park and Preserve » Geotechnical Investigations, Alaska Railroad Realignment Feasibility Study » Document List
The location for the activity occurs along a route being considered for re-alignment of the Alaska Railroad in order to eliminate two locations where the railroad currently crosses the Parks Highway. In order to conduct initial steps in assessing the feasibility of re-routing the railroad, the Alaska Railroad Corporation desires to understand the soils and geology characteristics along the corridor under consideration. The findings from this investigation would indicate if further study of the proposed alignment is sensible for further environmental analysis.
The impetus for considering this re-alignment is to examine options to enhance public safety through compliance with the 2008 Railroad Safety Enhancement Act (Public Law No: 110-432) and the goals of the Alaska State Rail Plan by eliminating at-grade railroad crossings throughout the state of Alaska. The alignment to be considered would eliminate two locations within Denali Park where the travel corridors currently cross. If the information from the proposed geotechnical investigation work suggests the feasibility of an alternate route west of the Parks Highway, extensive additional research, compliance with federal laws, and planning would be undertaken.
For further detail, please see the Categorical Exclusion found under the document list.
Contact Information
Molly McKinley907.683.6241