Land Exchange in Kantishna - NPS & Kantishna Roadhouse (Doyon Tourism Inc)

Denali National Park and Preserve » Land Exchange in Kantishna - NPS & Kantishna Roadhouse (Doyon Tourism Inc) » Document List

Updated July 2021:

The following documents show the completed compliance for the land exchange (finalized May 2021) between the National Park Service and Doyon Limited in Kantishna. NPS acquired approximately 17.8 acres at the Galena parcel, thereby precluding development at a highly visible location on the Denali Park Road (approximately milepost 91.7). Doyon acquired title to 8.37 acres of federal lands adjoining the Kantishna Roadhouse property.

Click 'Document List' to see the Categorical Exclusion (CE), proposed and final map, Assessment of Effect, and letter from the State Historic Preservation Office.

The authority for this exchange is section 1302(h) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA, 16 U.S.C. 3192(h)) and Denali National Park Improvement Act, Public Law 113-33.

Contact Information for NEPA compliance, or for NHPA Section 106 compliance