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Rancho Corral de Tierra Comprehensive Site Management Plan

Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Rancho Corral de Tierra Comprehensive Site Management Plan » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) is preparing a comprehensive site management plan (Site Plan) and subsequent environmental compliance for Rancho Corral de Tierra (Rancho) to guide future development of the park unit. The Site Plan will inform future visitor access and use improvements, equestrian facilities, resource management, and operations planning. It will implement the recommendations of the park's General Management Plan (GMP/EIS) and inform requests for funding and be incorporated in subsequent Environmental Compliance Documentation (i.e. NEPA/NHPA, etc.) tasks and documents for implementation decisions.

Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) acquired Rancho, about 4000-acres, in 2011 from Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST). GGNRA inherited a network of existing trails with a variety of park uses, four equestrian facilities, four watersheds, and coastal scrub, grassland and wetland habitat that is home to several threatened and endangered species. Park staff have spent the past decade collecting data, establishing baseline conditions, engaging with neighbors, stewarding the vast landscape, repairing trails, addressing incompatible uses, and observing use patterns.

Rancho receives frequent local use. As awareness and visitation of this park site increases, there is a need for a plan that will guide development and management of the site. There are no existing restrooms, designated parking areas, or visitor amenities. The trails are steep and continue to cause significant erosion issues. The leased equestrian operations are located in the floodplains and can have an impact on the surrounding resources.

General Management Plan
The park's General Management Plan from 2014 defines overall guidance and parameters for future management of the site. Sites in San Mateo County are all guided by the concept of "Connecting People with the Parks." The GMP included two zones for Rancho, the Natural zone (including the upland areas and land outside the existing equestrian areas) and the Diverse opportunities zone (where trailheads and visitor facilities could be appropriate).

Community Engagement
The National Park Service and Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy are leading a community engagement process running concurrent to this project. This engagement will secure public feedback and data to inform the site plan with a focus on access improvements, resource management, and equestrian operations. This engagement will continue through NEPA/NHPA compliance. A summary of the community engagement and findings will be available in a separate report prepared by the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy.

Community Brainstorm & Ideas Share Back / 2020-2023
What do you want to see at Rancho Corral de Tierra? The project team will collect community feedback, develop project goals, and share draft planning alternative scenarios.
Environmental and Cultural Compliance / 2024 - 2025
Pre-NEPA/NHPA initiation. We will research environmental and historical resource impacts and prepare documents NEPA/NHPA documents for public review.
Schematic Design / Starts 2025-2026
The project details are designed as proposed by staff and communities.
Project Implementation / TBD Pending Funding
Construction begins to carry out rehabilitation of existing facilities, restoration, and new improvements.

Rancho Website, Volunteer Sign up, trail maps: https://www.nps.gov/goga/rancho.htm
Park Management Plans: https://www.nps.gov/goga/learn/management/index.htm

Contact Information

Kirsten Holder