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Replace North Unit Radio Tower
Theodore Roosevelt National Park » Replace North Unit Radio Tower » Document List
Having a functional and modern telecommunication tower on this site is essential for the park to maintain safe and efficient operations. Customers of the parks cooperator, Verizon, would also benefit from improved reception and data capabilities with the service area. Project costs would be the responsibility of Verizon.
Replacing the telecommunications tower at the existing location will provide two substantial benefits to Theodore Roosevelt National Park:
* Allowing Verizon to co-locate their equipment with the parks will eliminate Verizons need to construct a second, highly visible telecommunications tower in the area.
* Because of the proposed towers reduced height, a blinking light will no longer be required on top, improving the quality of the night sky to those visiting park wilderness and other backcountry sites.
The public is encouraged to provide initial comment on this proposal through this website, however, additional comment opportunities are available through twitter, facebook, and by writing the park Superintendent at PO Box 7, Medora North Dakota 58645. The comment period begins December 15th, 2014 and closes January 9th, 2015.
Scoping comments received by this date will be used to further develop alternatives and issues of concern to be evaluated in an upcomming Environmental Assessment (EA). After the EA is completed and released, expected to be in early 2015, the public will have an additional opportunity to provide comment.