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Old Faithful Force Main Sewer Replacement Project
Yellowstone National Park » Old Faithful Force Main Sewer Replacement Project » Document List
The current sewer system for the Old Faithful Inn was constructed in 1940 and many sections of the system are at the end of their serviceable life. The force main sewer that services most of the Old Faithful Inn, the General Store and the Lower Gas Station adjacent to the Inn, has failed numerous times in the recent past. This project proposes to abandon and replace this failing section of sewer line.
Implementation of the project is proposed to occur in late September 2014.
The park is considering issuing the National Park Service Director's Order 12 Categorical Exclusion (CE) for "replacement in kind of minor structures and facilities with little or no change in location, capacity or appearance." This CE is pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act and the National Historic Preservation Act.
This 15-day comment period is intended to allow the public the opportunity to provide comments and concerns regarding the project and to help guide park managers in planning for future replacement of failing infrastructure at Old Faithful.
The NPS invites you to voice your ideas, comments, or concerns in this planning effort. Please click on "Open for Comment" to the left to get started.