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Repair and repaint the interior of the Lincoln Home (HS-01) and Arnold House (HS-20)

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Repair and repaint the interior of the Lincoln Home (HS-01) and Arnold House (HS-20) » Document List

This project consists of repairing and repainting the interior of the Lincoln Home and the Arnold House. Approximately 4700 square feet of interior ceilings, some interior walls, and door and window frames will be repainted in the Lincoln Home, as well as some plaster repairs. Approximately 6600 square feet will be painted in the Arnold House including ceilings and walls. Work consists of preparing and painting interior surfaces. This work includes spackling, sanding, and cleaning all interior surfaces and the painting or varnishing according to the interior finishes chart for the assigned building. Covering furniture, equipment, floors and other areas with drop cloths to protect against spills/drips, and cleaning and washing of the interior windows and other surfaces soiled during the project are required as well. Without this project the interior historic finishes will not be adequately protected, preserved, and maintained.

Contact Information

Sheryle Lindley, 217-391-3229