Construct Bus Stops and Upgrade Trail, Muir Beach

Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Construct Bus Stops and Upgrade Trail, Muir Beach » Document List

The NPS is currently planning to construct a new bus stop on Highway 1 and a new 1/2-mile accessible trail linking the new bus stop on Highway 1 and Muir Beach. The bus stop and trail to the beach are intended to enhance transportation services by making it possible for the Muir Woods shuttle or Marin Stagecoach to serve Muir Beach. Connecting these services with Muir Beach will create new opportunities for transit-dependent and disabled visitors, further reduce automobile congestion on Highway 1, serve recreational bicyclists and pedestrians, and contribute to ecological improvements.

The southbound bus stop will be located at approximately 100` south of the intersection of Highway 1/Pacific Way. The northbound bus stop would be located directly across Highway 1 of the Highway 1/Pacific Way intersection in front of the community mailboxes (not proposed to impact boxes). Universal access standards would be employed in the design of landings on each side of Highway 1. The landings would accommodate existing shuttle buses, and could include seating, shelter, and signage that is compatible with the rustic character of the setting.

The accessible path (approximately 2,600 feet) linking Highway 1 to Muir Beach would consist of two sections: 1) a foot-bridge between the new Highway 1 bus stop and access road (see plan set), and 2) and an trail adjacent to Pacific Way connecting the access road to the Pacific Way Bridge. The area of the northbound bus stop includes Highway 1 shoulder. The area of the proposed southbound bus stop is currently highway shoulder and a roadside drainage ditch. This seasonal wetland is proposed to be bridged with a box culvert to from the stop and provide adequate water flow.

The bus stops are anticipated to be served by transit operators on a peak-seasonal basis, through Marin Transit's Route 66 service. Service will be limited. Muir Beach has limited off-peak demand, with the highest visitation on peak-summer weekends.

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