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2012 Spruce Railroad Trail EA
Olympic National Park » 2012 Spruce Railroad Trail EA » Document List
The 2012 Spruce Railroad Trail Environmental Assessment (EA) has been completed and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was released today. The selected alternative (Alternative 5) calls for improving the Spruce Railroad Trail for universal accessibility by building an eight-foot wide asphalt trail with an adjacent three-foot wide gravel shoulder.
The selected alternative will establish the entire 3.5 mile length of the SRRT as a universally accessible, multipurpose trail to be shared by hikers, bicyclists, equestrians, and people traveling in wheelchairs. Overall, the trail will be 11 feet wide, with eight feet of asphalt and a three-foot wide, unpaved shoulder to accommodate equestrians and other trail users who prefer to travel on an unpaved surface. Both the historic railroad tunnels will be reopened as part of the trail. A new segment of trail will be built near Lyre River in order to bypass and mitigate the existing steep grades in that area.
The complete FONSI, Errata sheet, and Determination of No Impairment are available for the public on this site under "2012 Spruce Railroad Trail/EA - Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)."