Minor boundary revision in the Umbrella Creek area of Olympic National Park

Olympic National Park » Minor boundary revision in the Umbrella Creek area of Olympic National Park » Document List

Olympic National Park is considering a minor boundary revision to allow for future acquisition of private lands in the Umbrella Creek area near Lake Ozette. Funds to support acquisition would come from the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

The private landowner, Cascade Land Conservancy (CLC), purchased approximately 240 acres of land in 2008 and supports the boundary revision and NPS acquisition of the lands.

Approximately 12,000 acres of land near and adjacent to the Ozette area of the park were prioritized for acquisition as an area of possible expansion in the park's General Management Plan.

The lands acquired by CLC include Umbrella Creek, which has been identified as critical habitat for Ozette sockeye salmon, listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. Umbrella Creek also supports populations of Coho salmon, steelhead trout, cutthroat trout, and Peamouth chub.

Government-to-government consultation with the Quileute and Makah Tribes was initiated in Spring 2009. Public notice was provided through a news release on February 17, 2010. Public meetings were held by the park in March and April, 2010 and a 45 day comment period was provided.

Copies of comments received during the public comment period are available for review.

Government-to-government consultation with the Quileute and Makah Tribes related to the minor boundary revision are ongoing.
