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Crissy Field Center Temporary Relocation Project
Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Crissy Field Center Temporary Relocation Project » Document List
By September 2009, a suitable facility needs to be available to continue CFC's many educational programs. A thorough survey of available and appropriate Presidio sites that could be used determined that the easternmost edge of Crissy Field's East Beach would be the best temporary location. This site allows the CFC to continue using the natural and cultural resources of the park, especially the outdoor areas of Crissy Field, in its community‐based environmental programs that serve youth, schools, and community organizations.
The temporary facility will consist of four modular units assembled into a single structure. The onestory facility would be approximately 20 feet high and would provide approximately 7,200 square feet of interior space, including classrooms, staff offices, and a multipurpose room, snack bar, and a visitor information area. The facility would be oriented on a northeast southwest axis, facing the Bay at a 45 degree angle to the East Beach parking lot (See Drawing under the "Documents" tab). To the extent feasible, these modular units would be energy efficient and functionally designed to meet CFC programs and educational needs. These units would meet rigorous environmental certification standards, be fully ADA accessible, and be pre-approved by the State of California for school use. The open space at the rear of the facility would be used for outdoor activities and would be enclosed by low fencing or cables for safety. From hook-ups at Mason Street, utilities would be installed underground, paralleling the Presidio boundary to the facility. These include electric, telephone, sanitary sewer, and domestic and fire protection water lines. Earthwork for the project will include trenching to install the utilities and limited grading to level the site. Three or four trees from the cypress grove may be removed to accommodate the modular units, but would be replaced. Approximately 800 to 1,200 square feet of the turf overflow parking area will be taken up by the facility and pedestrian access. This is the equivalent of four to six parking spaces, which measure 24 x 9 feet.
When the existing Crissy Field Center building on Mason Street is ready to be reoccupied, the CFC will return. At that time, the temporary facility will be removed and the landscape at the site restored to its pre-construction condition.
The NPS solicited public comment (see section above) in order to obtain issues and concerns from the public to include in this impact assessment. During the public comment period that ended on May 29, 2009 the park had received four separate comment letters. The issues and concerns from these comments and others gathered through interaction with the public are summarized in the the impact assessment. The impact assessment was available for public review and comment up until June 12, 2009. After consideration of public comment and impacts associated with the project, the NPS issued a decision on June 22 (see FONSI under the Document List link).
The NPS thanks the public for their review and comment on this important project.
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