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Merced Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive Management Plan

Yosemite National Park » Merced Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive Management Plan » Document List

The Final Merced River Plan / EIS protects the Merced River's free-flowing condition, water quality and the unique values that has made the celebrated river worthy of special protection under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (WSRA). The final plan represents a rich collaboration amongst the public, research scientists, park partners, traditionally-associated American Indians, and park staff to explore visions for the future of Yosemite Valley and the Merced Wild and Scenic River. The final plan brings forward the best in science, stewardship, and public engagement to ensure continual protection and enhancement of the rare, unique, and exemplary qualities of the Merced River.

The Final Merced River Plan / EIS:

• Establishes the Wild and Scenic River's boundaries and segment classifications and provides for protection of the river's free-flowing condition in keeping with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act's Section 7.
• Presents the river's outstandingly remarkable values (ORVs), which are the unique, rare, or exemplary river-related characteristics that make the river worthy of WSRA designation.
• Documents the conditions of ORVs, water quality, and free-flowing condition.
• Identifies management objectives for the river, and specific actions that will be implemented to achieve these objectives.
• Commits to a program of ongoing studies and monitoring to ensure management objectives are met.
• Establishes a visitor use and user capacity management program that addresses the kinds and amounts of public use that the river corridor can sustain while protecting and enhancing river values.
• Fulfills the 1987 legislation designating the Merced River as a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System and makes appropriate revisions to Yosemite's 1980 General Management Plan.

Additional information about the Final Merced River Plan / EIS is posted on the Yosemite website at or click the links tab at left.

Contact Information

Contact Yosemite National Park's Planning Division to request a document or to join the park's email list by calling 209/379-1365 or by emailing For general inquiries, call 209/379-1110.