Lower Redwood Creek Floodplain and Salmonid Habitat Restoration, Banducci Site

Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Lower Redwood Creek Floodplain and Salmonid Habitat Restoration, Banducci Site » Document List

The Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) has completed the environmental review process for the Lower Redwood Creek Floodplain and Salmonid Habitat Restoration project at the Banducci Site in Marin County, CA.

The purpose of this project is to restore natural hydrological processes to the project area for the benefit of aquatic and terrestrial fauna and for long-term creek recovery. Goals are to: 1) enhance summer rearing and winter refugia habitat for federally threatened coho salmon and federally threatened steelhead; 2) restore channel and floodplain connectivity, enhance nesting habitat for songbirds, 3) create sustainable breeding habitat for the federally threatened California Red-Legged Frog, 4) restore tributary connections to the creek corridor, and 5) create self-sustaining conditions that minimize the need for maintenance.

An environmental assessment (EA) was completed and distributed for public review in March and April 2007. Through environmental analysis and interagency review, the GGNRA has determined that the selected alternative will not significantly affect the environment and has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the project.

As a result of public and agency comment, some changes were made to the selected alterative. These include:
• Removal of the creek berm and construction of a set-back levee in the Old Ballfield to reconnect the creek with its floodplain on the Old Ballfield was eliminated;
• The proposed widening of the active channel from 20 feet to 30 feet along 75 linear feet of the Upper Alley was eliminated;
• One of seven log jams proposed for installation in the Upper Alley was eliminated;
• The removal of a row of Eucalyptus trees along the site's gravel access road was added; and
• The volume of excavated material to be utilized for beneficial use in trail recontouring or restoration projects was increased from about 1,100 cubic yards (CY) to about 3,000 CY.

In lieu of work in the Old Ballfield, the NPS will work with Marin County to raise the elevation of Muir Woods Road; this change will be beneficial to natural resources and more effective in addressing roadway flooding. These changes are described in the FONSI and Errata and do not increase the degree of adverse impact or the determination of impact analyzed in the EA.

The FONSI, the EA and Errata comprise the complete environmental impact analysis for this project. Click on 'Documents' on the left to view all three documents and a revised strikeout version of the EA (that includes changes detailed in the Errata).

Portions of the project will begin in mid September 2007; the remaining actions will be implemented as funds become available.

Contact Information

For more information on the project, please contact Carolyn Shoulders, Project Manager, at (415) 331-0771.