Fort Funston Site Improvements

Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Fort Funston Site Improvements » Document List

NPS is proposing site improvements at Fort Funston. Proposed site improvements include constructing a restroom, constructing a maintenance facility, and other minor visitor enhancements.

Directly tied to the construction of the restroom and maintenance buildings is the need to upgrade and expand site utilities and infrastructure to meet the demands of these two new structures. In particular, the on-site sewage treatment system does not have adequate capacity to treat the estimated increase in wastewater from the sinks and toilets in the new restroom building. Other safety improvements and visitor amenities long discussed for Fort Funston are folded into the project to constitute a comprehensive Site Improvement Plan for the developed portion of Fort Funston. Improvements include: widening and straightening the entrance road, lengthening the turn lane from Highway 35 into the site, repaving and restriping the parking area, accessibility improvements and an upgrade of picnic facilities.

GGNRA began planning for the new restroom in 2003. Public scoping was conducted that year but the project was subsequently put on hold. Public comments on the scope of the EA were accepted again from November 18, 2008 to January 18, 2009.

An environmental assessment (EA) is being prepared for the project and is expected to be released in spring of 2013.

Contact Information

Questions regarding this project can be emailed to