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Miners River Sea Lamprey Control Barrier
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore » Miners River Sea Lamprey Control Barrier » Document List
and on National Park Service website:
EA 07-83
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking public comment on a draft environmental assessment (EA) that lays out a plan to repair the sea lamprey barrier on the Miners River in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC) and the State of Michigan built the barrier on the Miners River as an alternative method to control lamprey in the Great Lakes.
The EA considers three alternatives, including removal of the fixed-crest lamprey barrier, and a "No Action" alternative required under the National Environmental Policy Act. The preferred alternative is to repair the barrier and eroding stream banks.
The preferred alternative will block spawning migrations of invasive sea lampreys in the Miners River, a tributary to Lake Superior in Alger County, Michigan. The primary goal of this project is to deny sea lamprey access to spawning habitat, about half a hectare of preferred larval habitat in the river, and a 10-hectare lake that serves as a sanctuary for sea lamprey during lampricide treatments.
Currently, an eight-inch diameter jet of water flows from under the concrete footing of the barrier. The proposed action would seal the undermining, or piping, beneath the barrier on the northwest corner where it intersects the bridge abutment. Specifically, the base of the barrier would be excavated and voids would be patched with portland cement concrete grout.
Additionally, grout would be injected to fill voids under the lamprey barrier, a modular block retaining wall would be placed along the stream bank, and eroding riprap would be removed and replaced.
This alternative would require minimal foundation excavations within the riverbed to remove unsuitable, loose soils. Re-routing or use of a cofferdam and short-term construction dewatering within the excavation area would likely be required.
Copies of the draft EA on the Miners River sea lamprey barrier repair may be obtained by contacting Cheryl Kaye, Marquette Biological Station, USFWS, 3090 Wright Street, Marquette, MI 49855; phone 906-226-1217; e-mail:
Written comments submitted to Cheryl Kaye will be accepted through October 5, 2007.
Contact Information
Cheryl Kayetelephone 906-226-1217