Rehabilitate Arlington House, Outbuildings and Grounds (2006-2013)

George Washington Memorial Parkway » Rehabilitate Arlington House, Outbuildings and Grounds (2006-2013) » Document List

Arlington House, is located in the center of Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia. Formerly the home of Robert E. Lee, the site was designated as Arlington House, the Robert E. Lee Memorial by Congress in 1955. The property includes the Arlington House mansion, the North and South Slave Quarters, Flower Garden, Work Yard, and Kitchen Garden, with the Potting Shed and Comfort Station located nearby. Administration of the site falls under the authority of the George Washington Memorial Parkway. In 2001 the National Park Service (NPS) circulated a draft cultural landscape report (CLR) which found the Arlington House cultural landscape (including spatial organizations and land patterns, and buildings and structures) eligible for listing on the National Register.

The National Park Service proposes to rehabilitate Arlington House, its outbuildings, and grounds in a manner that protects and maintains the cultural resources and values for which the Memorial was established. Specific proposed improvements include: 1) replacing an aging physical plant with a new climate management system for the Mansion and Slave Quarters; 2) updating the fire detection system and installing a new fire suppression (sprinkler) system; 3) stabilizing brick masonry foundations of Arlington House; and 4) rehabilitating the Slave Quarters, and restoring the Kitchen Garden and to a more accurate representation of the legislatively mandated 1861 historic period. Visitor use is also a consideration for rehabilitation by NPS. Arlington House and Arlington Cemetery tourism attracts many visitors, with approximately 500,000 visiting tourists in 2005. To accomplish this, the NPS must complete an environmental analysis (EA) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Alternatives for rehabilitation are addressed in this EA, which will be posted under the document list (left), and open for public comment in June. Please check the open for public comment link on the left side of the screen.

Contact Information

Kendell Thompson
Site Manager at Arlington House
George Washington Memorial Parkway
Turkey Run Park
McLean, VA 22101
703-235-1537, or