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Move small apple tree from Shutt (HS-17) yard to Robinson (HS-10) yard

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Move small apple tree from Shutt (HS-17) yard to Robinson (HS-10) yard » Document List

A small apple tree, planted in 2018, is leaning due to poor soil conditions in the Shutt yard and is too near the parking area. It will be removed by a tree care contractor and planted in the Robinson yard to replace an apple tree that died and was removed in 2023. The tree appears to be in good health but would not remain so in its current location and needs to be moved. According to the 2014 Cultural Landscape Report (CLR), "Because information about the specific conditions of the lots during the Lincoln period is not available, the rehabilitation approach draws upon conditions known to exist at similar properties in the general area," allowing for the removal of a non-historic apple tree. Due to the difficulties getting a tree to grow in that area of the Shutt lawn, however, smaller plantings will be considered for the area. Because some information is known about the Robinson lot, the CLR requires that trees should be maintained as is or replaced in kind. The move replaces an old apple tree, although not from the Lincoln era, which reflected a typical tree that would have been in the yard.

Contact Information

Jason Taylor, 217-391-3235