A comment period for this project closes Sep 17, 2024:
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Construct 3 bridges on the Delicate Arch Road

Arches National Park » Construct 3 bridges on the Delicate Arch Road » Document List

The National Park Service is proposing to install three bridges over ephemeral wash crossings on the Delicate Arch Road. The current culverts are undersized and cause water to backup and pool on the roadway during heavy rain and flood events.
Executive Order (EO) 11988, Floodplain Management, and EO 13690, Establishing a Federal Flood Risk Management Standard and a Process for Further Soliciting and Considering Stakeholder Input, require the National Park Service (NPS) and other federal agencies to evaluate the likely impacts of actions in floodplains.
This Floodplain Statement of Findings:
Quantifies the flood hazard associated with the installation of bridges over low water crossings on the Delicate Arch Road.
Presents the rationale for the development of proposed facilities within the regulatory floodplain of Salt Wash and its tributaries, Winter Camp Wash and Salt Valley Wash.
Documents the anticipated negative impacts of these improvements on human health/life, capital investment, and floodplain functions and values.
Presents mitigations to these impacts.

Contact Information

Amy Tendick