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Add exterior outlet to Stuve Carriage House (HS-05a) for charging scissor lifts in equipment storage area.

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Add exterior outlet to Stuve Carriage House (HS-05a) for charging scissor lifts in equipment storage area. » Document List

A GFCI exterior outlet will be added to the south side of the Stuve Carriage House. It will be surface mounted to the brick wall and will be inside the fenced equipment storage area. A 3/4" hole will be drilled through the wall for conduit. The outlet box is approximately 2" x 4" x 4" and is required to be a least 4 feet off the ground. To meet the breaker box inside, the exterior outlet will be approximately 3 feet from the SE corner of the building. The Stuve Carriage House was built in the 1870s and has undergone a variety of changes evidenced by the "ghosts" of many door openings and window removals. The equipment storage area is completely fenced with a 6' tall fence, preventing the outlet from being seen in the historic viewshed.

This side of the building was added on to in the early 1920s to create a bakery that existed until the 1960s. When the NPS acquired the building in the early 1970s, a door was cut between the 1870s carriage house and the 1920s bakery storeroom to create a larger storeroom and work area. The bakery section was removed in 2002 and the door opening was bricked in.

Contact Information

Stan Burnham, 217-391-3229