After a lightning strike to their church steeple in July 2022, the congregation of Grace Lutheran Church, located in the northwest corner of the park boundary, will be installing a lightning protection system on their steeple and roof. Grounding rods will be inserted along the perimeter of the church building as required by the insurance company. The church building is located at Block 7, lots 1 and 2, within the park boundary, but the building is owned by the congregation, and it is their insurance company requiring the lightning rod system. The land up to the walls of the church is federal land. The grounding rods will be driven into the ground to a depth of approximately 24". The land was heavily disturbed in the late 1890s when the church was built with a basement and deep foundations for an approximately 50' tall steeple. The NPS further disturbed the area when installed a parking lot immediately adjacent to the church in the 1970s.
Contact Information
Jason Taylor, 217-391-3235