Minor Boundary Adjustment Notice of Realty Action (NORA)

Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Minor Boundary Adjustment Notice of Realty Action (NORA) » Document List

Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GOGA) is posting a Notice of Realty Action (NORA) for a proposed boundary adjustment to include two properties within the boundary of the park that currently lie adjacent to the park's southern Rancho Corral de Tierra unit. The properties are owned by Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST). Together, the 203.5-acre Gregerson and ~8.2-acre Fallow Field properties help further a larger conservation picture for the park in San Mateo County. POST has expressed an interest in having these properties included within the boundary of the park and ultimately transferred to federal ownership. The properties would provide key natural resource and recreational considerations by protecting diverse habitat, connecting wildlife corridors within the unit and greatly expanding opportunities for the region's network of scenic multiuse trails. The proposed boundary adjustment follows the completion of a 2014 General Management Plan, that included the subject properties as a potential area for future boundary revisions. Should these properties be included within the park boundary and subsequently acquired by the federal government, it is the intention of NPS to manage them for public purposes.

The NORA will be published in the local newspaper for three weeks and mailed to state and local governments, and Congressional delegation. GOGA will also notify adjacent landowners. A 45-day public comment period will accompany posting of the NORA. The NORA and a map, illustrating the location of the subject properties, are attached to this page.

Contact Information

Kirsten Holder