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Yellowstone Justice Center
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proposing to build a Justice Center in the Mammoth Hot Springs area of
Yellowstone National Park. The building would be located at the northeastern
corner of the development along the Esplanade. Three unique but interrelated functions would be housed in the Justice Center: a U.S. District Court, law enforcement activities for the U.S. Marshals Service and NPS, and detention facilities.
Proposed building functions would include a courtroom, judge's chambers,
interview rooms, ante room, temporary holding facility (four cells), law enforcement
offices, administrative support spaces, and evidence and records storage areas. The
building would be two stories high with a partial basement and attic for a total of
approximately 17,000 square feet. The proposed building footprint would be
approximately 5,700 square feet. Existing parking along the Esplanade would be
utilized for public use.
The building would be designed in conjunction with the requirements of the U.S.
Courts and U.S Marshals Service and would be similar in scale to the U.S. Post
Office, south of the proposed building. The new building would consolidate
functions that are currently housed in historic buildings in Mammoth that no longer
meet space, safety, security, and building code requirements.