Programmatic Routine Road and Parking Lot Maintenance for 5 Years

Lewis and Clark National Historic Park » Programmatic Routine Road and Parking Lot Maintenance for 5 Years » Document List

Lewis and Clark National Historical Park manages roads, sidewalks, compacted gravel walkways, elevated concrete decking, and parking areas, and associated structures such as gates, roadside signage, delineators, roadside safety devices, traffic counters, and fences, in the Fort Clatsop, Yeon, Salt Works, and Middle Village units. These facilities are continuously subject to the effects of use, erosion, vegetation encroachment, and weather conditions. Routine and recurring (i.e. weekly, monthly, and annually) maintenance is needed to maintain these assets in good operating condition and safe for park visitors and staff. The National Park Service will conduct routine and recurring maintenance of park-owned roads and parking lots from FY 2022 through FY 2026 (5 years). The work would be confined to existing road corridors (including shoulders),parking lots and associated parking area sidewalks and connected walking surfaces (including compacted gravel walkways, curb cuts and elevated concrete walkways).