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Remote Delivery Bison Vaccination Program

Yellowstone National Park » Remote Delivery Bison Vaccination Program » Document List

The National Park Service has completed a final environmental impact statement (EIS) to evaluate whether to implement remote-delivery vaccination of Yellowstone bison to decrease the prevalence of brucellosis, a disease that can induce abortions in bison, elk and cattle. This evaluation was directed by the 2000 Record of Decision for the Interagency Bison Management Plan (IBMP).

The EIS considered three alternatives: Alternative A- -No Action, Alternative B- -Remote Delivery Vaccination for Young Bison Only, and Alternative C- -Remote Delivery Vaccination for Young Bison and Adult Females.

The NPS selected Alternative A- -No Action, as the selected action in the Record of Decision for the EIS. This alternative continues the current management program and does not allow for remote vaccination of bison within Yellowstone National Park.

Contact Information

Yellowstone National Park
PO Box 168
Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190