BRVA- Comprehensive Trail Plan

First State National Historical Park » BRVA- Comprehensive Trail Plan » Document List

The NPS issues the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the revised Comprehensive Trail Plan/Environmental Assessment (revised EA) for the Brandywine Valley of First State National Historical Park (FRST). The FONSI, signed by the Regional Director on November 22, 2024, with the response to public comments and the errata, describes the final decision of the National Park Service. Concurrent with the issuance of the FONSI, the NPS has released a revised EA that incorporates modifications resulting from substantive comments.

The NPS analyzed two alternatives in detail in the revised EA, Alternative 1 - No Action and Alternative 2 - Proposed Action. Based on this analysis, the NPS selected Alternative 2 - Proposed Action for implementation because it best meets the purpose and need for action with no significant impact to park resources and values.

The selected action designates a 27.8-mile shared-use trail network consistent with the purpose and need. The trail network incorporates 15.0 miles of existing trails and adds 8.5 miles of new trails (to be constructed). The NPS will close and restore to natural condition a total of 8.1 miles of trails. In addition, 4.3 miles of administrative roads will be open to public recreational use. The selected action will guide comprehensive trails management as it relates to resources and administration and will ensure consistency with trail use on surrounding properties. It will implement sustainable trail design, improve user safety, and encourage restoration of soil and vegetation in heavy use areas.

The revised EA and FONSI are available for viewing online by clicking the 'Document list' in the menu to the lefthand side.

Under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, implementation of the selected alternative is addressed under a Programmatic Agreement (PA). The NPS has executed a PA with the Delaware State Historic Preservation Office and Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation. This PA will be implemented in accordance with the PA stipulations. The NPS will continue to consult with tribes through the standard consultation process. The PA can be found in the revised EA under Appendix A. It is available for viewing online by clicking the 'Document list' in the menu to the lefthand side.