Presentation and Open House
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Mar 16, 2023 6:00 PM 7:30 PM EST The Pilot School
208 Woodlawn Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19803

First State National Historical Park invites you to join us for a Presentation and Open House on the Future of Trails in the Brandywine Valley.

The park will be holding three separate sessions in New Castle County, Delaware. Each session will cover a brief history of the trails in the park, current trail conditions, as well as ongoing studies and research relevant to park management. The open house portion of each event will dive into the question of "What should the National Park Service consider when thinking about trail management in the Brandywine Valley?"

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Presentation and Open House
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Mar 17, 2023 2:00 PM 3:30 PM EST The Arsenal in Historic New Castle
30 Market Street
New Castle, Delaware 19720
First State National Historical Park invites you to join us for a Presentation and Open House on the Future of Trails in the Brandywine Valley.
The park will be holding three separate sessions in New Castle County. Dates and locations can be found below. Each session will cover a brief history of the trails in the park, current trail conditions, as well as ongoing studies and research relevant to park management. The open house portion of each event will dive into the question of "What should the National Park Service consider when thinking about trail management in the Brandywine Valley?"

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Presentation and Open House
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Mar 18, 2023 10:00 AM 11:30 AM EST The Pilot School
208 Woodlawn Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19803
First State National Historical Park invites you to join us for a Presentation and Open House on the Future of Trails in the Brandywine Valley.
The park will be holding three separate sessions in New Castle County. Dates and locations can be found below. Each session will cover a brief history of the trails in the park, current trail conditions, as well as ongoing studies and research relevant to park management. The open house portion of each event will dive into the question of "What should the National Park Service consider when thinking about trail management in the Brandywine Valley?"

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Public Meeting
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jul 14, 2024 2:00 PM 4:00 PM EST The Pilot School
208 Woodlawn Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19803
Please join park staff and planners to learn about and discuss planning and the development of the Brandywine Valley Trails Plan. This meeting is being held during a 30-day comment period to provide the public an opportunity to learn about the effort and provide feedback.

All public meetings will present identical content, please join us during the time most convenient for you.

First State National Historical Park is seeking input on the draft plan/environmental assessment for the Brandywine Valley Trails Plan. Members of the public may also submit comments online through the PEPC project website.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Public Meeting
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jul 15, 2024 6:30 PM 8:30 PM EST The Pilot School
208 Woodlawn Road
Wilmington , Delaware 19803
Please join park staff and planners to learn about and discuss planning and the development of the Brandywine Valley Trails Plan. This meeting is being held during a 30-day comment period to provide the public an opportunity to learn about the effort and provide feedback.

All public meetings will present identical content, please join us during the time most convenient for you.

First State National Historical Park is seeking input on the draft plan/environmental assessment for the Brandywine Valley Trails Plan. Members of the public may also submit comments online through the PEPC project website.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Public Meeting
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jul 16, 2024 10:00 AM 12:00 PM EST The Pilot School
208 Woodlawn Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19803
Please join park staff and planners to learn about and discuss planning and the development of the Brandywine Valley Trails Plan. This meeting is being held during a 30-day comment period to provide the public an opportunity to learn about the effort and provide feedback.

All public meetings will present identical content, please join us during the time most convenient for you.

First State National Historical Park is seeking input on the draft plan/environmental assessment for the Brandywine Valley Trails Plan. Members of the public may also submit comments online through the PEPC project website.

Meeting Directions/Instructions: