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Compendium Updates Regarding E-bikes, Parkwide

Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Compendium Updates Regarding E-bikes, Parkwide » Document List

The Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GOGA) allowed e-bikes to use certain park roads and trails beginning in the summer of 2020. In November 2020, the NPS issued new regulations regarding electric bicycles (e-bikes) in national parks. The new regulations are promulgated at 36 CFR Sections 1.4 and 4.30(i). The definition and classes of e-bikes were added to 36 CFR 1.4, and other regulations regarding the use of e-bikes in national parks were added to 36 CFR 4.30(i). The new regulations became effective on December 2, 2020.

Per NPS Memorandum, "Reviewing Electric Bicycle Use on Trails and Administrative Roads under the E-Bike Regulation (June 30, 2021)," GOGA proposes to continue to allow visitors to use e-bikes on the same routes and subject to the same use restrictions (such as speed limits and group size limits) as contained in the 2020 Compendium. However, because of the recent regulatory changes, the e-bike provisions in the 2020 Compendium are being moved from Section 1.5 to Section 4.30 of the 2021 Compendium.

The updates to the 2020 Compendium regarding e-bikes consist of moving the rules for e-bikes from Section 1.5 to Section 4.30 of the 2021 Compendium. These updates are in response to recent regulatory changes to Parts 1 and 4 of Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations. There are no changes to existing recreational opportunities or accessibility by e-bikes. As a result, there would be no potential for individually or cumulatively significant impacts to park resources or visitor safety.

As required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), GOGA has reviewed and documented the potential environmental impacts of allowing e-bikes on certain trails and roads parkwide. It has been determined that the use of e-bikes may be excluded from further NEPA review and documentation in accordance with the NPS NEPA Handbook (2015), Section 3.3. D.3. Actions Related to Visitor Use: Minor changes in programs and regulations pertaining to visitor activities.

In addition to allowing e-bikes on certain trails and roads within the park in the annual update to the 2021 Superintendent's Compendium as described above, provisions for allowing commercial filming activity have also been revised. These are the only changes being made to the 2021 version of the park's Compendium.

For the public's information, a compendium is a written compilation of the designations, closures, permit requirements and other regulatory restrictions established under a superintendent's discretionary authority to protect park resources and values and to provide for a quality visitor experience. It guides public use to protect park resources and provides for a wide variety of recreational opportunities for visitors from local communities and around the globe. This document is updated each year by all 423 units of the National Park System.

The Golden Gate National Recreation Area 2021 Superintendent's Compendium and the E-bikes Categorical Exclusion Memorandum are available by clicking on the "Document List" to the left. Several other supporting documents are also available at the same link.

Although the Compendium is not open for official review, the public may send the park feedback by clicking on the "Open for Comment" link to the left.