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General Management Plan Amendment for Boundary Expansion Lands

Petrified Forest National Park » General Management Plan Amendment for Boundary Expansion Lands » Document List

On behalf of the planning team, I am pleased to announce that the Petrified Forest National Park General Management Plan Amendment (GMP Amendment) has been approved for implementation with the signing of the "Finding of No Significant Impact" by the National Park Service's Intermountain Regional Director.

A copy of the "Finding of No Significant Impact" can be downloaded. The document provides a summary of the agency's preferred alternative and why actions proposed in that alternative will not have a significant effect on the human environment. Public comments and suggestions received during the planning effort were considered when developing the preferred alternative. The FONSI also includes an errata sheet that describes minor changes to the text of the GMP Amendment based on comments received. These revisions do not result in substantial changes to the preferred alternative or require additional environmental analysis.

This "Finding of No Significant Impact" and the environmental assessment constitute the record of the environmental impact analysis and decision-making process for the GMP Amendment, which will provide the overall management direction for the park addition lands.

Thank you for your participation in this important planning effort and your interest in the future of Petrified Forest National Park.


Cliff Spencer

Contact Information

Chris Church
GMP Amendment Project Manager
National Park Service, Denver Service Center
P.O. Box 25287
Denver, CO 80225-0287