Petrified Forest National Park - All Documents and Projects

Intermountain » Arizona

Listed in the table below are plans or projects and associated documents that have been posted to the public for the selected NPS unit. Click on the project title for more information on the whole project or on the document title for information on the specific document.

For general information, use the 'Park/Unit Information' link to the left to go to the park's main internet page to access park information not related to park planning (for example, park brochures, lodging and campground reservations, and general park information).

Project Title Document Title Review End
General Management Plan Amendment for Boundary Expansion Lands Scoping Newsletter -- Petrified Forest National Park GMP Amendment May 31, 2008
General Management Plan Amendment for Boundary Expansion Lands Petrified Forest GMP Newsletter #2: Management Concepts Sep 01, 2008
General Management Plan Amendment for Boundary Expansion Lands Petrified Forest National Park General Management Plan Amendment / Environmental Assessment Apr 02, 2010
Air Tour Management Plan Notice of Intent to Request Comments for the Air Tour Management Plan Aug 02, 2010
Petrified Forest National Park Wilderness Stewardship Plan Wilderness Stewardship Plan Newsletter #1 Jul 29, 2011
Petrified National Forest National Park Fire Management Plan EA public scoping for Petrified Forest National Park Fire Management Plan EA Oct 26, 2012
Petrified Forest National Park Wilderness Stewardship Plan Petrified Forest National Park Wilderness Stewardship Plan Mar 31, 2013
Petrified National Forest National Park Fire Management Plan EA Fire Management Plan Environmental Assessment / Assessment of Effect Jul 21, 2013
Expanding the Chinde Point Picnic Area to Include Visitor Camping Opportunity Construct a Campground at Chinde Point Oct 09, 2016
General Management Plan Amendment for Boundary Expansion Lands Transmittal letter for the General Management Plan Amendment
General Management Plan Amendment for Boundary Expansion Lands Federal Register NOI 4.9.08
Air Tour Management Plan Petrified Forest Air Tour Management Plan - News Release
Petrified Forest National Park Wilderness Stewardship Plan Finding of No Significant Impact
Air Tour Management Plan Petrified Forest Air Tour Management Plan - Scoping Packet
General Management Plan Amendment for Boundary Expansion Lands Federal Register Notice of Termination of EIS for EA 12.19.08
General Management Plan Amendment for Boundary Expansion Lands Finding of No Significant Impact
* Open for comment.