The National Desert Storm War Memorial Association (the Association), in cooperation with the National Park Service (NPS), proposes the establishment of a commemorative work on federal land to commemorate and honor members of the Armed Forces who served on active duty in support of Operation Desert Storm or Operation Desert Shield. According to its legislation, Public Law 113-291, the Memorial will be established in compliance with the Commemorative Works Act; its prohibits the use of federal funds for the Memorial; and directs excess funds to be deposited into an account with the National Park Foundation following its establishment. It also clarifies that the Secretary of the Interior the Administrator (as appropriate) may request to use the excess funds for the maintenance of the memorial.
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the NPS and the Association are preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to identify alternatives and assess the potential impacts of the proposal. Concurrent to the NEPA process, the NPS and the Commission will conduct consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA).
Contact Information
Catherine Dewey, Chief of Resource Management, (202) 245-4711