Parkplanning may experience a brief five-minute outage today, March 6th, between 8 PM and 9 PM MT. Thank you for your patience.

Construct Extension of Chisha Foka Multi-Use Trail

Natchez Trace Parkway » Construct Extension of Chisha Foka Multi-Use Trail » Document List

The Natchez Trace Parkway (Parkway) currently maintains approximately 12 miles of the Chisha Foka multi-use trail within the Parkway boundary from milepost 108 to 95.9 in Hinds and Madison counties, Mississippi. The trail was originally analyzed for environmental impacts and designed in 1995, however the southern sections of the trail were not constructed. The Parkway plans to develop an updated EA to analyze the impacts of the construction of an additional 2.5 mile long trail segment that would connect the current terminus to the existing Osburn Stand parking lot at milepost 93.5.

Contact Information

Mandi Toy