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Redwood Creek Trail Realignment and Dias Ridge Trail Extension Project

Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Redwood Creek Trail Realignment and Dias Ridge Trail Extension Project » Document List

** Update (11/30/2018): Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

In cooperation with California State Parks (CDPR), the National Park Service (NPS) has finalized a decision for improving sections of the Redwood Creek Trail on both Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) and Mount Tamalpais State Park lands and extending the Dias Ridge trail on GGNRA land to connect with the Redwood Creek Trail.

A joint Environmental Assessment/Initial Study (EA/IS) was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The project elements on state lands were approved by CDPR with a determination that there would be no significant environmental effects on state lands. A CEQA Negative Declaration was approved/certified by the State Clearinghouse, September 27, 2018. For those project elements that would only take place on GGNRA lands, a NEPA Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was approved and signed by NPS Pacific West Regional Director Stan Austin on October 19, 2018.

The project would implement goals identified in the 2014 GGNRA General Management Plan (GMP) and objectives from a multi-agency shared vision for the future of the Redwood Creek Watershed, including the GGNRA and CDPR.

Specifically, the trail improvements will create a safer, more sustainable trail with reduced maintenance needs while also benefiting water quality in Redwood Creek and protecting habitat for listed aquatic species. The improvements will also include moving the trail out of the floodplain that will allow for future projects to reconnect Redwood Creek to its flood­plain. This would further improve hydrologic and geomorphic functions in the watershed.

Under the selected alternative, the NPS will remove an existing metal culvert and install a 26-foot bridge on NPS lands across a drainage tributary to Redwood Creek and construct a new 1,300-foot trail extension between the Dias Ridge Trail at the Golden Gate Dairy and the Redwood Creek Trail trailhead on Frank Valley Road, Marin County, near the road's intersection with Highway 1.

There is currently little to no separation between motorists, pedes­trians, equestrians, and bikers using the highway shoulder. When complete, the extension will eliminate the need for visitors to use the highway shoulder. Work on the extension is expected to be completed something in the spring of 2021.

To download a copy of the FONSI and related documents, please go to http://parkplanning.nps.gov/redwooddias

To learn more about additional efforts having beneficial effects on Redwood Creek and improvements in Muir Woods National Monument, go to https://www.nps.gov/muwo/getinvolved/redwood-renewal-begins.htm

For more information, please email goga_planning@nps.gov.

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