Trail System Accessible Improvements, Mori Point

Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Trail System Accessible Improvements, Mori Point » Document List

The Mori Point Trail System Accessible project proposes to rehabilitate approximately 1,600 linear feet of trail along the Old Mori Road and Mori Coastal Trails. The sections of trail treads identified do not currently meet the firm and stable and cross slope requirements for accessibility and the trail tread is typically loose and unstable. This project will resurface the trail, improve drainage, and reduce erosion to meet outdoor accessibility guidelines.

Work will be done in two phases on Old Mori Trail to minimize disruption to park users. Phase 1 will be from the trailhead (near Moose Lodge) to the boardwalk with a staging area near the gate. Parking and portable toilet will remain available. Phase 2 will be from the boardwalk to the
seawall with a staging area at the west end of the trail by Bootlegger's Steps.

Contact Information

Michael Rafferty 415-561-4783