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Muir Woods Sustainable Access Project (formerly Muir Woods Site Improvements)
Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Muir Woods Sustainable Access Project (formerly Muir Woods Site Improvements) » Document List
UPDATE November 2016 - The Sustainable Access Project Draft Environmental Assessment is available for public review and comment until December 5, 2016. Click on the document list to access the Draft Environmental Assessment.
UPDATE June 2016 - An informational update on this project is scheduled for Tuesday, June 27, 2016, from 6-8 pm at the Tamalpais High School Student Center, 700 Miller Ave, Mill Valley CA 94941. The project scope has been modified in response to further analysis and public input and will be described in greater detail at the June 27th meeting.
UPDATE September 2013 - Public Scoping was initiated on Wednesday, September 4, 2013. The first public meeting for this project was held on September 18, 2013.
This project would preserve resources and enhance safety by improving parking and pedestrian access at Muir Woods. The monument's current parking, transit, and pedestrian access facilities are antiquated and do not include the best techniques to manage stormwater and protect water quality and other natural resources. The memorandum of understanding between the County of Marin and National Park Service (June 2015), as well as the Reservation System Finding of No Significant Impact (December 2015), established the parameters for future visitation and access to the monument. In those decisions, NPS and the County of Marin have committed to a phased elimination of parking outside of the monument's boundaries.
This project would improve the sustainability of the facilities within the monument boundary by:
-Redesigning/reorganizing existing parking (not to exceed current parking supply of 232 personal vehicle spaces) at Muir Woods in order to:
-Reducing impacts to resources by better managing stormwater runoff
-Enhancing safety
-Providing better arrival experience for visitors
-Supporting effectiveness of the reservation system
-Eliminating parking in poorly located areas and providing opportunities to restore habitat
-Redesigning bus and transit loading/unloading zones to reduce vehicle conflicts and improve operations
-Improving pedestrian trails and walkways connecting parking and loading/unloading areas with the monument entrance
-Installing improved wayfinding and interpretive elements to provide a more intuitive and educational experience
-Completing plaza improvements begun in 2010
-Installing a new bridge for the Dipsea Trail over Redwood Creek