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Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve GMP/EIS

Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve » Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve GMP/EIS » Document List

Dear Friend of Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve:

It is with great pleasure that we submit to you the Final General Management Plan for Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve. This plan is a vision for the next 15-20 years and will guide our management of the Reserve in its operation and further development.

This final General Management Plan presents the Proposed Action of the Reserve Trust Board and the National Park Service for the Reserve. The actions proposed in this plan will enhance public use and enjoyment of the Reserve, protect natural and cultural resources, and improve the overall management of this unique unit of the National Park System.

This General Management Plan is the result of five years of thought, planning and discussion about the Reserve, with the public and with our partners. During this time your involvement has been critical in shaping this plan. After three public meetings were held on the draft General Management Plan, we received numerous verbal comments and 51 letters noting issues and ideas. We have listened to your concerns and have made many revisions to the final General Management Plan presented here.

We are most grateful for the time and effort contributed by the National Park Service, Washington State Parks, Island County, and the Town of Coupeville, as well as past and present Trust Board members. This plan is a blueprint for action. It provides a guideline, but one that can be tempered with the realities of the future and the fact that the Reserve is a living, working landscape and community. This plan holds promise for the development of a vibrant and responsive Reserve. To fulfill the goals and objectives, we are striving for the continued involvement of you, the community, and our partners to preserve the past and blend the demands of the future. We look forward to working with our partners as they adopt this plan into their comprehensive planning processes.

Since its creation in 1978, Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve has benefited from strong community support and broad public participation. We hope that you will join with us in making this vision of the future a reality for ourselves and for future generations.

Marshall W. Bronson, Chair
Trust Board of Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve

Contact Information

Reserve Manager
Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve
PO Box 774
Coupeville, WA 98239
(360) 678-6084