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Province Lands Bicycle Trail Rehabilitation
Cape Cod National Seashore » Province Lands Bicycle Trail Rehabilitation » Document List
The National Park Service (NPS) at Cape Cod National Seashore is proposing to rehabilitate approximately 7.34 miles of the existing Province Lands bicycle path to help protect resource areas and enhance the visitor experience and safety. The NPS preferred alternative, Alternative D, would rehabilitate the entire bike trail. The bike trail would be widened to a width of 10 feet and resurfaced with the exception of where it passes alongside wetland areas. There would be no expansion of the bike trail into wetland areas. Wood retaining walls, slope stabilization plantings, stair construction, and minor realignments would be constructed where needed. New signs, a centerline, and other pavement markings would also be added. Beach grass and other native vegetation would be planted and sand fence would be installed in places where sand drifts across the bike trail. The EA/AE for the proposed project analyzes impacts to resources along the entire length of the Province Lands bicycle path, however for planning purposes; the trail was divided into five segments. It is anticipated that trail segments one (1) through three (3) would be rehabilitated in 2008, and that remaining segments of bike path would be rehabilitated as funding becomes available.
We welcome your input on the project. The public comment period closes on January 26, 2007. Your comments can be submitted electronically at, or mailed or hand-delivered to: Superintendent, Cape Cod National Seashore, 99 Marconi Site Road, Wellfleet, MA 02667.
It is the practice of the NPS to make comments, including names, home addresses, home phone numbers, and email addresses of respondents, available for public review. Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. All submissions from organizations or businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as representatives or officials of organizations or businesses, will be available for public inspection in their entirety.
Thank you for taking the time to assist us in this planning process. Your interest and support of this outstanding unit of the National Park System is greatly appreciated.