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2018 GWMP North Section Rehabilitation EA

George Washington Memorial Parkway » 2018 GWMP North Section Rehabilitation EA » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration - Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD), is re-initiating a planning process for the rehabilitation of the northern section of the George Washington Memorial Parkway (GWMP). Designed as a scenic roadway and memorial to the first president of the United States, George Washington, the GWMP now supports more than 33 million vehicles per year, with the northern section seeing the heaviest amount of daily traffic.

The proposed action would include: reconstructing the asphalt pavement and constructing new concrete curbs; replacing drainage inlets and culverts; stabilizing erosion at drainage outfalls; improving safety with options including crash-worthy roadside barriers; various options to reconfigure the interchange at Route 123/GWMP; and other smaller project elements such as creation of emergency turnarounds, extension of acceleration and deceleration lanes, and installation of stormwater management practices. The rehabilitation has been proposed to provide visitors with a safe and aesthetically pleasing driving experience while extending the life of the parkway.

Contact Information

Caitlin Shinehouse, Architectural Engineer