Parkplanning may experience a brief five-minute outage today, March 6th, between 8 PM and 9 PM MT. Thank you for your patience.

DEED-Replace Boardwalks on South End of Park- Eighth & Jackson to Improve Visitor Safety and Access

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » DEED-Replace Boardwalks on South End of Park- Eighth & Jackson to Improve Visitor Safety and Access » Document List

The existing boardwalks along 8th St. and Jackson Street on the South end of the park are deteriorating and present immediate and significant health and safety hazards for both visitors and staff. Planking, nailers, and runners are part of the walkway design and need to be replaced on the South end of the park. These walkways are heavily used by nearly 400,000 annual visitors, workers employed in the downtown area, and park staff and are therefore extremely critical to the park. There is a total of 5,000 SF of oak boardwalks located on the South end of the park. We will replace all boardwalks on South end of 8th St. and Jackson Street. Old boardwalks will be removed. In addition, it is estimated that approximately 25% of the runners underneath the boardwalk will need replaced due to rotting/failing lumber. Once runners have been replaced, new rough sawn oak boardwalk lumber will be installed.

Contact Information

Jason Taylor, 217-391-3235