PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Repair and paint the exterior of the Lincoln Carriage House (HS-01A), Woodshed (HS-01B) and Privy (HS-01C)

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Repair and paint the exterior of the Lincoln Carriage House (HS-01A), Woodshed (HS-01B) and Privy (HS-01C) » Document List

This project consists of painting approximately 860 SF of exterior walls and two doors on the Lincoln Carriage House (HS-01A). The carriage house, built in the 1960s, was last painted in 2003 and is in need of a coat of paint to maintain the cyclic schedule. The southeast cornerboard of the building also needs noticeable repair. The attached woodshed, also built in the 1960s, needs major repairs to the vertical siding (installed over cinder block). Approximately 1844 SF of siding needs painted. This building was also last painted in 2003. On the Lincoln Home privy, built in the 1850s, repairs are needed to the frieze board on the east side; the exterior door, jamb and sill all need scraping and repainting. Repairs are needed to the buckets making up the seats inside as well.

Contact Information

Sheryle Lindley, 217-391-3229