PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Repair and Paint Exterior and Interior and Replace Flooring at Education Center

Lincoln Home National Historic Site » Repair and Paint Exterior and Interior and Replace Flooring at Education Center » Document List

This project will consist of repairing and painting 4,000 SF of exterior space on the Education Center. This building was last painted in fiscal year 2008. Surfaces to be painted include: 18 windows with trim, 3 doors with trim, siding, facia, 280 feet of guttering, 162 feet of downspout, and 706 square feet of porches. Repairs will be made as needed to the exterior of the structure. All surfaces to be painted will be prepared for painting by sanding and scraping. A primer coat and two finish coats of exterior latex paint will be applied by brushwork. Interior painting of the entire 10,429 SF area will be done as well, making any necessary repairs as needed. Surfaces will be patched and sanded before painting begins. Additionally, 4,000 SF of carpet and 220 SF of vinyl flooring on the first and second floor will be replaced with new carpeting and vinyl, similar to what is there.

Contact Information

Sheryle Lindley, 217-391-3229