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Yellowstone National Park Bison Management Plan

Yellowstone National Park » Yellowstone National Park Bison Management Plan » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) is pleased to release the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for a Bison Management Plan at Yellowstone National Park. The FEIS presents a broad range of actions for managing bison inside the park. This plan allows the NPS to manage bison based on new scientific information and changed circumstances, explore ways to increase the transfer of bison to American Indian Tribes, and continue working closely with Tribal Nations and agency partners in management.

The purpose of the EIS is to preserve an ecologically sustainable population of wild and migratory bison while continuing to work with partners to address issues related to brucellosis transmission, human safety, property damage, and to fulfill Tribal trust responsibilities.

The FEIS solidifies the significant progress made over the past two decades by the Interagency Bison Management Plan (IBMP) partners and continues Yellowstone National Park's commitment to the IBMP objectives which include: 1) maintain a wild, free-ranging bison population; 2) reduce the risk of brucellosis transmission from bison to cattle; 3) manage bison that leave Yellowstone National Park and enter the State of Montana; and 4) maintain Montana's brucellosis-free status for domestic livestock.

The FEIS also considers the bison management actions likely to occur on lands outside the park in Montana, maintains NPS's continued commitment to working with the State of Montana, Tribes, and other federal partners to balance bison management efforts, while acknowledging the NPS does not have jurisdiction or control over actions such as hunting or tolerance for bison beyond the park boundary.

On June 7, 2024, the Notice of Availability of the FEIS will publish in the Federal Register and initiates a 30-day wait-period. At the conclusion of the wait-period, the NPS will sign and publish a Record of Decision, detailing the selected action.

Thank you for your interest in this project!

Contact Information

Morgan Warthin
Public Affairs Officer, Yellowstone National Park