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Shasta Bally Communications Site EA

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area » Shasta Bally Communications Site EA » Document List

Whiskeytow National Recreation Area has announced the approval of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Shasta Bally Summit Communications Facilities Environmental Assessment (EA). The Regional Director of the Pacific West Region signed the FONSI on October 28, 2011. This document details why this project will not have a significant impact on the environment and allows the park to move forward with implementing the selected alternative.

The Environmental Assessment was undertaken to determine the future management of the Shasta Bally Summit including the communications equipment located on the Summit, the Shasta Bally Road from Sheep Camp to the Summit, and the Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) powerline that runs from Crystal Creek Conservation Camp to the Summit. The EA provided an opportunity for public comment on the range of alternative management scenarios and as a necessary step in determining the potential environmental consequences of the alternatives on Shasta Bally Summit and the surrounding area. The selected alternative was chosen after a careful review of foreseeable resource and visitor impacts, and public and agency comment.

The selected action is Alternative F as described in the EA. This course of action will permit all existing permit applicants to continue to use the site on the summit of Shasta Bally under the terms of 10-year National Park Service Right of Way Permits. Alternative F allows for the new permitees to co-locate equipment on existing infrastructure, and for existing and new users to install new infrastructure at the site in the disturbed areas not currently being utilized. Additionally, Alternative F allows for wireless communication facilities to remain on the summit in the future, subject to 10-year ROW permits and applicable laws and regulations

Under the selected alternative, the NPS will oversee the maintenance and management of the telecommunications equipment, powerline, and road in such a manner that provides for enhancement and protection of natural and cultural resources, including native vegetation and wildlife, water quality, air quality, archeological sites, and other cultural and natural resources.

The FONSI is available for viewing online from the "Document List" link on the left of this screen.

Contact Information

Jim F. Milestone, Superintendent, 530-242-3460

Whiskeytown NRA
PO Box 188
Whiskeytown, CA 96095