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Stephen's Creek Administrative Area EA
Yellowstone National Park » Stephen's Creek Administrative Area EA » Document List
The National Park Service has prepared an environmental assessment for compliance under the National Environmental Policy Act.
Two alternatives were considered: no action and the preferred alternative. Under the No Action alternative, the SCAA would not be under a management plan and a barn would not be constructed.
Under the Preferred Alternative, the existing functions of the SCAA would continue. The administrative use of this area would be capped at the present 43 acre footprint, exotic vegetation would be more actively managed, visual impacts would be addressed, and a barn could be constructed within the current footprint for the park stock operations. A barn would improve the health and safety of staff and livestock and the efficiency of the corral operations. Alternative locations within and outside Yellowstone National Park for the administrative activities at the SCAA were considered but dismissed for practical reasons.
The EA is currently available for comment through this PEPC website, or by requesting it in writing from the address below.
Contact Information
Stephens Creek Administrative Area EAPCLA Office
P.O. Box 168
Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190