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Everglades National Park » Cape Sable Plugs Restoration Phase II Environmental Assessment
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Surveys to Inform the Raulerson Canal Plug Design - August 2022 Signed Memorandum to File, Confirmation of Previous Analyses
Cape Sable Plugs Restoration - Phase II Finding of No Significant Impact
Cape Sable Plugs Restoration - - Phase II Environmental Assessment
Engineering Analysis and Feasibility of Repairing or Replacing Failed Dams and Limiting Salt Water Intrusion in Cape Sable Everglades National Park
Archaeological Survey of the Raulerson Brothers Canal, House Ditch, and Slagle Ditch
Cape Sable II Minimum Requirements Analysis
Benthic Survey of Seagrass Abundance for the Cape Sable Plug Restoration Project
Cape Sable II Plug Restoration Topography and Bathymetry Report
Cape Sable Plugs Restoration - Phase II Wetlands/Surface Waters and Mangrove Assessment Report
Cape Sable II UMAM Assessment Forms
Coastal Landscape and Channel Evolution Affecting Critical Habitats at Cape Sable, Everglades National Park, Florida
Public Scoping Report for Cape Sable Plugs Restoration - Phase II
Public Scoping Newsletter and Feasibility Study for Cape Sable Dams Restoration Phase II Environmental Assessment