Kennedy Center Expansion Design Final

In January, the NCPC, NPS, DC SHPO, and the Kennedy Center signed a MOA that
defined the Preferred Alternative as the Two Land-Based Pavilions plus River Pavilion
located on the Potomac River.  Since the signing of the MOA, the Kennedy Center has
decided not to move forward with that alternative and has redefined the Preferred
Alternative as the Three Land-Based Pavilions. The Three Land-Based Pavilions were
studied in the 2014 Assessment of Effect and in the 2014 Environmental Assessment
(Alternative B).  It is NCPC's and NPS' finding that the Three Land-Based Pavilions would
not result in new adverse effects that were not disclosed previously in the Assessment
of Effect or intensify effects over those of the Two-Land Based Pavilions plus River

The signatories of the MOA have also determined that the selection of the Three Land-
Based Pavilions as the Preferred Alternative does not constitute a federal Undertaking
under Section 106 of the NHPA and its implementing regulations for the NPS and the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as they do not have jurisdiction over the land based
portion of the project.  The NPS, NCPC, the Kennedy Center, and DCSHPO amended the
MOA to remove Stipulations 1 and 3b that, due to the elimination of the water-based
River Pavilion, are no longer required.  The Kennedy Center also acknowledges that
separate consultation under Section 106 of the NHPA and its implementing regulations
will be required for future actions such as construction of a pedestrian connection to the
Rock Creek Multi-Use Trail.

Pursuant to the Design Consultation Stipulations in the MOA, NCPC is providing the
Consulting Parties with the final design documentation of the Three Land-Based
Pavilions for a 14-day review and comment period.  The proposed design can be
reviewed under the documents tab.  Comments on the proposed final design
documentation can be submitted through the PEPC website until June 5, 2015.
Comment Period: Closed        May 22, 2015 - Jun 5, 2015
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