Memorandum of Agreement, Final Draft for Review

The National Park Service would like to notify Consulting Parties that the final draft of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that will provide the process for avoiding, minimizing or mitigating adverse effects to historic resources caused by the potential construction of a freestanding plaza pavilion for Washington Monument security screening is available for review (below). The MOA was developed in compliance with the regulations that govern the National Historic Preservation Act (36 CFR 800).

Please submit any comments by Friday, November 8, 2013, via the above website, or email them directly to
Comment Period: Closed        Oct 25, 2013 - Nov 8, 2013
Document Content:
Exhibit B, Consulting Parties List   (173.3 KB, PDF file)
Exhibit A, Conceptual Design   (810.1 KB, PDF file)
Exhibit D, Summary of Adverse Effects   (192.0 KB, PDF file)
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