Westcott Bay and Mitchell Hill Development Concept Plan Summary of Public Comments

San Juan Island National Historical Park is in the process of planning for 382 acres of uplands, forests and shoreline that became part of English Camp in 2010 and 2013. Public scoping for a development concept plan (DCP) began March 19, 2013 for Westcott Bay with a public scoping meeting and month-long public comment period. Mitchell Hill was added to the planning process in 2014 with another public scoping meeting (trails work-session) held on January 22, 2014. Prior to including Mitchell Hill in the DCP planning process, the park also held one overall public meeting regarding Mitchell Hill on July 31, 2013 and two individual meetings with different user groups earlier that month on July 23 (equestrian use) and July 24 (bicycle use).

As planning for both sites commenced, a Trails Workshop for Mitchell Hill was held on February 27, 2014, and on April 22, 2014 an Alternatives Scoping meeting (based on a preliminary range of actions at both sites) occurred. The formal alternatives scoping period for the DCP ended on May 22, 2014, however comments have continued to be accepted.
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