Northern California Condor Restoration Program FONSI

This Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Northern California Condor Restoration
Program Environmental Assessment (EA) documents the decision of the National Park Service
(NPS), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and Yurok Tribe (hereafter collectively as "the
co-leads") to select action alternative 1 to implement the Northern California Condor
Restoration Program (NCCRP), a joint project between the Yurok Tribe and Redwood National
Park, with facilities established in Redwood National Park (the park) and the Yurok Ancestral
Territory (YAT). This FONSI also documents that the co-leads found no significant impacts on
the human environment associated with that decision.
Document Content:
NCCRP_FONSI_Final.pdf   (818.9 KB, PDF file)
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