PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

The NPS, USFWS, and Yurok Tribe NPS, USFWS and the Yurok Tribe value your input into the planning for reintroducing condors. You can participate at several steps in the planning process.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Define purpose and need/develop preliminary alternatives
Step 2. Conduct external scoping
Step 3. Refine alternatives
Step 4. Identify environmental impacts and select preferred alternative
Step 5. Prepare draft plan/environmental document
Step 6. Public review of draft plan/environmental document
Step 7. Analysis of public comment
Step 8. Prepare final plan/decision document
Step 9. Release final plan/decision document to the public *

This site will note the current step in the planning process. When a document is open for comment, you will be able to enter comments electronically by using the "Comment Now" function. We appreciate your interest in reintroducing condors into Redwood National Park as one action needed to restore and protect California condors.