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Olympic Hot Springs Road Long-Term Access Environmental Assessment (2019)
Olympic National Park, along with the Federal Highway Administration as a cooperating agency, is seeking public review for the Olympic Hot Springs Road (OHSR) Long-term Access Environmental Assessment (EA). The road has experienced multiple washouts since the completion of the dam removal project in 2014. The Elwha Valley is one of the most visited areas within Olympic National Park and the OHSR provides the only vehicular access into the Elwha Valley.
An EA has been prepared and analyzes the impacts of taking no action, raising the road, or realigning a 1-mile portion of the road. The EA also analyzes the effects of rehabilitating the remainder of the 8.2 mile road from the park's boundary to the Boulder Creek Trailhead.
We are asking for your assistance. Please review the newsletter and related documents (click on the "Document List" button to the left on your screen). Click on the "Open for Comment" button to the left of your screen to provide your comments. We will be accepting comments starting Monday, November 4, 2019 through December 18, 2019.
Following this review, the interdisciplinary team (IDT) will make any necessary substantive edits to the EA and related documentation that may arise from public comments. The edits may occur within an Errata sheet that would be submitted with the decision document as opposed to being made directly within the EA.
Comment Period:
Nov 4, 2019 - Dec 18, 2019
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Document Content: |
10-30-19 OHS Road BA final USFWS NMFS.pdf
(1.9 MB, PDF file)
OHSR EA Public Review Letter.pdf
(268.1 KB, PDF file)
10-28-19 OHS Road EA Final Public Review Version.pdf
(1.5 MB, PDF file)
10-28-19 OHS Road Draft Floodplains Draft SOF.pdf
(2.0 MB, PDF file)
Map of realignment (poster from the public meeting 11.13.19)
(533.7 KB, Image file)
OHSR Public Meeting Presentation.pdf
(4.1 MB, PDF file)
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Note: Some of the files may be in PDF format and can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. You may download a free copy of from Adobe Systems. |