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Section 106 Consultation Information - September 2012
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires federal agencies to assess the effects of their actions on properties on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, known as historic properties. For the issuance of the permit for the Susquehanna to Roseland Transmission Line, the National Park Service (NPS) is complying with its responsibilities under Section 106 through the NEPA process, as allowed by the regulations at 36 CFR 800.8(c). As a result of this integration, the draft and final EISs included information on the historic properties within the area of potential effect for the issuance of the permit, as well as a determination of whether the new line will have an adverse effect upon them. Details on the Section 106 compliance and consultation can be found in Appendix M of the final EIS, but the most up-to-date information can be found below, including a list of consulting parties and a table of historic properties and effects. The mitigation plan for adverse effects to historic properties will be included in the ROD; a draft version is included here.
Document Content: |
Historic Properties and Effects Table
(170.1 KB, PDF file)
Section 106 Consulting Party list
(55.4 KB, PDF file)
Updated Consultation Correspondence and Meeting Log
(72.8 KB, PDF file)
SR Line FEIS - Appendix M (Section 106) - Pt 1
(6.0 MB, PDF file)
SR Line FEIS - Appendix M (Section 106) - Pt 2
(7.4 MB, PDF file)
Section 106 Compliance Plan
(370.9 KB, PDF file)
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